Untuk membantu sobat kramatman yang lagi pusing nyari tugas tentang narrative text, kali ini kramatman akan share seputar narrative text. angsung aja kita simak, apa itu narrative text ?
Pengertian Narrative Text
naratif pada dasarnya adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu
hal yang tidak benar-benar terjadi melainkan hanya di karang oleh
sipenulis (Writer). teks naratif bertujuan untuk menghibur, untuk
mendapat dan mempertahankan perhatian pembaca / pendengar cerita.
Teks naratif bertujuan juga untuk mendidik, memberitahu, menyampaikan
refleksi tentang pengalaman pengarangnya, dan yang tak kurang
pentingnya ialah untuk mengembangkan imajinasi pembaca / pendengar.
Teks naratif umumnya bersifat imajiner, tetapi ada juga teks naratif
yang bersifat faktual, yaitu menceritakan kejadian yang sesungguhnya.
Ciri-ciri Narrative Text
naratif terdiri dari tiga bagian utama:
- Orientation yaitu bagian dimana pengarang melukiskan dunia untuk ceritanya, dibagian inilah diperkenalkan dimana dan kapan peristiwa terjadi serta para tokoh
- Complication yaitu bagian dimana tokoh utama menghadapi rintangan dalam mencapai cita - citanya, bagian dimana komplik mulai terjadi
- Resolution yaitu bagian permasalahan yang dihadapi tokoh utama diselesaikan. Pada bagian ini mempunyai dua kecendrungan, yaitu mengakhiri cerita dengan kebahagiaan (happy ending) dan atau mengakhiri cerita dengan kesedihan (sad ending), tetapi ada juga teks naratif yang membiarkan pembaca/ pendengar menebak akhir cerita.
Dari sudut pandang fitur bahasa, teks naratif memiliki ciri khas antara lain sebagai berikut:
- Partisipan yang specific dan sering individual
- Banyak action verbs ( material processes), dan ada juga yang menggunakan verbal and mental processes.
- Biasanya menggunakan Past tense.
- Banyak menggunakan lingking Words yang berkenaan dengan waktu.
- Sering memasukkan dialog, dan tense akan mungkin berubah.
- Descriptive language digunakan untuk menciptkan imaji dibenak pembaca.
- Dapat ditulis sebagai orang pertama atau ketiga ( he, she, they ).
There was once a big rock in the idle
of an ocean. it was not an ordinary rock. When the sun shone it, it
perspired and out of this perspiration was born a pretty little girl
called Limimuut. She grew up and felt very lonely.
One day she saw a crow. it held in its
beak a dry branch and consciously circling the spot the branch.
Suddenly the bird spoke to her, I have carried it from Taoere”. She
was so surprised to find the bird should read her thoughts and speak
her language. Then she asked, “I’m anxious to go that land. Will
you take me there?”
The bird agreed and away they flew to
reach Taoere, for Limimuut herself could fly too. On narrative there,
they found a small place again alone. Suddenly an idea struck her.
She took a small amount of soil, flew to the barmen rock from which
she had come, and scattered the soil the rock. A strange thing
happened. This small amount of soll grew into a big place of land.
Limimuut looked around and realized
that the ground was barren. Then Limimuut flew again to Taoere and
look a handful of soil. She again scattered the barren ground.
Something green began to emerge from the land and this became the
vegetation that we have on our earth today. But she not satisfied
yet. She made an mountain. Then she climbing till she reached the
top. There another strange thing occurred; she became pregnant. A few
moths later she a son named him Toar.
Years went by and Toar grew up into a
handsome young man. The other though that the time had come of him to
choose a wife. She asked him roam the world until he found a wife.
Toar obeyed her and traveled to the other part of the ocean. But
still he could find no one fit to be his wife and returned home.
His other shall go to the lift. if on
your way you encounter a woman carrying a place longer than your,
take her as your wife.
Masih kurang contohnya ?
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